Cats in the horror genre

An ongoing research project that examines cats’ histories in our homes and in horror.

From emblems of the occult to internet sensations, our feline familiars occupy a rarefied space in contemporary culture. By examining how cats came to be associated with the dark arts and their subsequent persecution to their current role as influencers and meme generators, we will look at the multitude of roles cats have played throughout our history.

This lecture will examine the spaces between life and death, powerful and powerless that cats have occupied and how their abilities are used in the films Bell, Book and Candle (1958), House (1977) and Pet Sematary (1989). By looking at their different uses in a variety of films, we will aim to uncover why these beguiling creatures provoke the dueling sensations of dread and adoration within us.

Originally presented as a lecture The Cat Came Back: Feline Familiars in the Horror Genre at the Miskatonic Institute of Horror Studies in Brooklyn, NY, the lecture will be given at the Revue Cinema in Toronto on March 25 and at Salem Horror Fest in April 2023.

For more information please use the contact form on this site.


The 1990s Teen Horror Cycle

